Time-line Checklist for Organizing the Arctic Refuge Slide Show

The following is a suggested timeline for organizing the Caribou Commons show:

 Time-line                                            Instructions                                        Check-list

 1) Upon confirmation of venue              a) Review all organizer materials            _______

                                                            b) Reserve suitable room.                     _______

 2) As soon as possible                          a) Compile press list and list of              _______

                                                            interested organizations/people.

                                                            b) Determine all media and                    _______

                                                            organization’s deadlines

                                                            c) Send out information for                    _______


                                                            d) Contact people/organizations            _______

                                                            for help: delegate responsibilities.

 3) Three weeks before show                 a) Send out press releases and              _______

                                                            call to ensure they reached the

                                                            correct person.

                                                            b) Deliver PSAs to media.                    _______

                                                            c) Deliver “Coming Events”                   _______


4) Two weeks before show                  a) Put up first wave of posters.              _______

                                                            b) Send out letters of invitation              _______

                                                            to members of organizations.  

5) 10 days before show                        a) Confirm room arrangements              _______

                                                            b) Make 2nd round of press                 _______

                                                            release follow-up calls.

6) One week before show                    a) Initiate “phonebanking” calls              _______

                                                            b) Follow-up calls about PSAs

                                                            c) confirm last minute arrangements       _______

             with Chad (chadkister@gmail.com)

 Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Chad at (740) 707-4110 or chadkister@gmail.com